Messy: A Silent Film

Directing actors to become apart of your vision is always a hard thing to do, no matter how good the actor.  Using actors that aren’t really actors also adds another hard aspect when it comes to directing.  In our movie we ended up using me in the film since we had already started filming before it was posted that we were supposed to use outside actors.  However, my co-star, Dani did a great job of following directions and also of acting.  With a silent movie we tried to stress using hand gestures and facial movements to show different types of emotions.  Also the use of narrative slides helps to tell the story.

16 responses to this post.

  1. I think the text slides worked well in the story. I would’ve liked to see you actually cleaning the room, though!


  2. Posted by janaefrazier on April 27, 2010 at 12:58 pm

    Nice idea ! Wish we could have seen the new and improved clean room! Your use of texts was great! Great acting, good job!


  3. I bet ya didn’t actually clean the room did ya? lol. Great vid.


  4. I liked your idea. The whole thing looked a little green to me because the text was so green. And you were really funny in it. Great shooting, but try to make the story have more substance.


  5. Nice video, but I wish we could have seen the clean room at the end!


  6. Posted by michiyaenglish on April 27, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    Your acting was convincing, but next time include the actual cleaning process so we understand why she came back.


  7. I liked your idea a lot. I would have liked to have seen a panning of the messy room, a panning of the clean room, and some of the cleaning process, but your storyline was cute and the text made it easy to follow. Good job!


  8. good job. it would have been cool if while he had tidied up you guys captured the footage and put it in fast forward to give a hasty effect, but great job!


  9. Posted by anastasiaromanowicz on April 28, 2010 at 2:06 am

    I liked the film a lot it was really funny and well done! I just wanted to see how clean you could possibly make that room because it was so messy! But you had a funny and creative story. Nice!


  10. Posted by Sarah Carideo on April 28, 2010 at 3:30 am

    I liked the different shots you had that went along with the text. I would just suggest being slightly more dramatic because the first few with the progression of the emotions wasn’t very clear.


  11. The shaky camera was my fault. I’ll work on my camera skills. And on cleaning your room.


  12. I really loved this movie and how simple you guys made it. All of the shots and the locations worked really well with the story and your use of text really helped out your storyline. I would have loved to have seen how the room turned out clean, but I thought it was a great job.


  13. I thought the acting in this was great. I think the first location you used was the perfect way to set up the film. I think the one shot I would have loved to see was the clean room because we saw the messy one. It would have been cool to see the change.


  14. How you guys are able to film so far in advance of the projects is beyond me. I am very envious. The film had a good concept but could have used more footage.


  15. This was a creative idea because I never thought that a dirty room would stop a romance. Next time maybe clean the room haha. Great job though!


  16. I loved it!!!


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